ESEIA International Summer School 2022

ESEIA International Summer School 2022 Students Develop 5 Project Proposals

The ESEIA International Summer School on Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) Solutions for Climate-Friendly Energy Production was an exciting two-week programme that took place online from 19-30 September 2022.

Hosted by Markku Huhtinen from Savonia University of Applied Sciences in Finland, this year’s edition counted with 12 students from around the world (Cameroon, Nigeria, Israel, Austria, Tunisia, Pakistan, Ukraine, India, and Finland).

The two-week programme included lectures, mentoring, group projects and presentations – all designed to provide a comprehensive overview of LDES solutions suitable for future energy systems and a better understanding of what it takes to develop a successful Horizon Europe proposal.

The programme featured 17 invited lecturers who spoke on five different topics around LDES solutions:

  • role of LDES in future energy systems and overview of Horizon Europe funding for energy research projects;
  • thermal sensible energy storage;
  • electromechanical energy storage and battery technology;
  • mechanical LDES;
  • hydrogen technology/Power-to-X.

In addition to academics from organising and partner universities, the ESEIA International Summer School 2022 brought industry experts from companies acting on energy markets such as Kuopion Energia, Tekres Group, Sumitomo SHI FW, Wega, U-Cont, and EPV Energy.

Through a combination of lectures and group projects, students attending the school had the opportunity to improve their academic foundations and develop new skill sets. As a result, they created and presented five project proposals for Horizon Europe calls, which may be further developed and submitted for funding in close cooperation with all willing organisations.

Additional resources

ESEIA International Summer School 2022 Flyer


Markku Huhtinen, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Varkaus, Finland: