7 events found.
Week of Events
ESEIA Lecture Series: 4th Lecture
ESEIA Lecture Series: 4th Lecture
Topic: Circular Bio-Based Systems: metabolon From Theory to PracticeGuest lecture by Michael Bongards, ESEIA WG Bioresource Coordinator, TH Cologne, GermanyResponse 1: Alexandra Loidl, City of Graz, Director Waste ManagementResponse 2: Christian Schreyer, CEO of Styrian Waste Management AssociationChair: Michael Narodoslawsky, TU Graz, Professor at the Institute of Process and Particle Engineering Use-reuse-upcycle-recycle? If you are […]
WG 1 Monthly Meeting
WG 1 Monthly Meeting
WG Bioresources Monthly Meeting Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/83745301591?pwd=UnBGM2lodG02M3NqdXdoMDRiMElkQT09 Meeting ID: 837 4530 1591Passcode: 516432