The EMERGE project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON programme with Project Number: 101118278

Project Overview

  • Aim

    EMERGE project seeks to provide African policy makers, academics, investors, and citizens with the tools and knowledge required to increase the production of clean energy and the sustainable use of resources while bridging cultural and socioeconomic divides.

  • Funding

    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Innovation and Research under grant agreement ID 101118278.

  • Budget

    €2.5 million

  • Duration

    Dec 23 – Nov 26

  • Pilots

    The North Western Africa (Morocco), Niger river region (Mali/Nigeria), and East Africa (Mozambique) are three African ecosystems where EMERGE develops knowledge communities through a participatory approach.

  • N of Partners

    11 Partner from EU and AU

  • ESEIA’s Role

    Dissemination, Exploitation, and Impact Creation, Policy and Market Frameworks

  • Coordinator

    Project Coordinator: Nicola Matak, UNIZAG FSB, HR
    ESEIA Project Manager: Zina Mejbri, AT

Project Description

The EMERGE project seeks to provide African policy makers, academics, investors, and citizens with the tools and knowledge required to increase the production of clean energy and the sustainable use of resources while bridging cultural and socioeconomic divides.

In order to simulate scenarios that optimize the use of current resources while taking into account social, climatic, economic, and technical constraints, EMERGE will co-design and test a Toolbox by integrating and building upon existing tools, methodologies, and approaches.

Additionally, a Knowledge Base with a collection of initiatives, materials, and knowledge-exchange activities will be created. The North Western Africa (Morocco), Niger river region (Mali/Nigeria), and east Africa (Mozambique) are three African ecosystems where EMERGE will develop knowledge communities through a participatory approach.

To learn more visit EMERGE website

More Information

EMERGE Project Video Presentation

Achievements in 2024

  • 7 out of 16 deliverables submitted, including D6.1, the Communication and Dissemination Plan developed by ESEIA.
  • Activities: Knowledge exchange and capacity-building initiatives took place in Morocco, Nigeria, and Mozambique, with ESEIA leading 3, and Co-design Workshop in Oujda, Morocco, November 2024.
  • Pilot Sites: Data collection ongoing, and tools are refined.
  •  Communication: ESEIA produced promotional video, leaflets, a factsheet, an infographic, and two newsletters. It also managed the project website and social media for continuous outreach.
  • In 2024, the EMERGE project held 2 General Assembly meetings.