ESEIA FP10 Position Paper

In a pivotal move towards shaping the future of European research and innovation, the European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance (ESEIA) has unveiled its Position Paper on the upcoming EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10).

Scheduled to succeed Horizon Europe from 2028 to 2034, FP10 is poised to set ambitious agendas in science, technology, and innovation across Europe. ESEIA’s Position Paper reflects the collective wisdom of its members, comprising 39 experts from 21 leading organizations spanning 11 European countries. The paper, born out of an extensive survey of 51 Horizon projects, internal deliberations, and feedback from the ESEIA General Assembly, outlines strategic recommendations crucial for the design and implementation of FP10.

The FP should not be a straitjacket; it should provide flexibility to adjust to new R&I needs and trends.

ESEIA President Brian Norton

ESEIA FP10 Position Paper

Five key recommendations:

The ESEIA FP10 Position Paper was adopted by the ESEIA General Assembly 14 March 2024 based on members’ vast EC project experience. It included five key recommendations:

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EEI Magazine 

Concerning the future design of FP10 the ESEIA Director Brigitte Hasewend and Senior Project Manager Hana Lee raised several key questions in their article entitled Shaping the Future of R&I for Climate Neutrality published in the EEI Magazine, Autumn Edition, 2024  (photo).