Project Overview

  • Aim

    Energy System Modelling for Green Development of Africa

  • Funding

    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme, under Grant Agreement n° 101118278

  • Duration

    36 months (1 December 2023 – 30 November 2026)

  • Budget


  • Coordinator


  • Partners

    ESEIA (AT), EnGreen (IT), CARTIF foundation (ES), CIRCE foundation (ES), Artelys (FR), ECREE-ECOWAS (CP), Universite Mohammed Premier 1 (MA), Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (MZ), AfriLabs (NI), BrainIT (HR)

  • ESEIA’s role

    In addition to reaching out to its network of Universities to further enhance AU-EU collaboration, ESEIA will lead the project’s communication and dissemination activities

Project Description

The EMERGE project seeks to provide African policymakers, academics, investors, and citizens with the tools and knowledge required to increase the production of clean energy and the sustainable use of resources while bridging cultural and socioeconomic divides. In order to simulate scenarios that optimize the use of current resources while taking into account social, climatic, economic, and technical constraints, EMERGE will co-design and test a Toolbox by integrating and building upon existing tools, methodologies, and approaches. Additionally, a Knowledge Base with a collection of initiatives, materials, and knowledge-exchange activities will be created. The North Western Africa (Morocco), Niger river region (Mali/Nigeria), and Mozambique are three African ecosystems where EMERGE will develop knowledge communities through a participatory approach.

More Information

Horizon Europe