CYI launched the EMME-CARE 8 October

The Cyprus Institute (CYI) launched the Eastern Mediterranean Middle East – Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (EMME-CARE) on a public event at its Novel Technologies Laboratories Building in Nicosia the 8 October.

The eseia member new facility provides scientific, technological and policy solutions through the establishment of a world-class research and innovation centre of excellence, focusing on environmental challenges. To address these, the existing Atmosphere and Climate Division of the Cyprus Institute will be upgraded, its partnerships with world-renown institutes will be strengthened, and its status and contribution in regional and global networks of the field will be enhanced.

The project that received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 programme, the Cyprus Government, and own resources, aims to implement a combination of research, education, and innovation activities, which will involve laboratory studies, instrument development, continuous comprehensive atmospheric observations, field experiments and computer modelling of the regional climate and chemical composition of the atmosphere. The programme focuses on the atmospheric environment and will address climate change and air pollution impacts.

The live streaming recording of the event is available in the link provided below.

More Information
EMME-CARE Launching Event (Youtube channel link)

Contact Person
Costas Papanicolas, CYI President –

Marina Lopez, eseia Communication Manager –