Project Overview

  • Aim

    Replacing old and inefficient heating systems with a modern solution combining energy efficiency and renewable sources

  • Funding

    This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 847049.

  • Duration


  • Partner

    Agencia para a Energia

Project Description

Through an application the HARP project enabled individuals to get an indication of the labelling classification of their heating system. The application provided an estimation of the costs associated with their heating system, related to, for instance, energy consumption or maintenance. The application gave an overview of the most efficient alternatives available on the market, along with a list of their benefits, such as energy and costs savings, reduction of CO2 emissions, improvement of indoor air quality or noise reduction. Finally, HARP listed the incentives and financial support available at national level to replace inefficient heating appliances with a more efficient alternative.

More Information

HARP website

Horizon Europe