ESEIA International Summer School 2020
ESEIA Online International Summer School 2020 on 14 – 25 September was organised by the member organisation Savonia University of Applied Sciences in Finland and was fully online. The two-week programme was arranged by Eastern Finland Universities together with Tanzanian partners and ESEIA network.
There were 23 registered participants out of whom most from Tanzania and Finland, but also Niger and Ethiopia. During the duration of the summer school, there were a total of 38 lectures given mostly by Finnish academics, but some also by industrial companies. In addition to lectures, participants were also involved in the group work. In total, 5 project works were made in a group concentrating on for example how to increase pellet and briquette production by using industrial side streams in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania or looking at the optimization of the sources of bioenergy from wastewater by cultivating microalgae, a case proposal in Tanzania,
The ESEIA ISS 2020 covered topics such as:
- Soil improvement and circular fertilizer products based on industrial side streams and their processed mixtures;
- Microbe-based biorefining, accelerated composting system for biomasses, slow pyrolysis, and biogas production;
- Possibilities to utilize ash for fertilizers, earth construction materials and composites included in Biosphere topics.
More information on the ESEIA ISS 2020 can be found below:
Savonia University of Applied Sciences