De‐Fossilization of Industry and Mobility: How can it work?
Lecturer: Georg Brasseur, former President of the Division of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Response 1: Walter Berger, Managing Director, voestalpine Research Services Donawitz.
Response 2: Juergen Rechberger, Vice President, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell, AVL.
Chair: Gerhard Murer, Forum Technology and Society, Anton Paar GmbH.
Host: Helmut Eichlseder, Professor at the Institute of Thermodynamics and Sustainable Propulsion Systems at TU Graz.
The seventh lecture in the ESEIA Lecture Series was held at Inffeldgasse 18, HS i1, TU Graz on 21 September 2023 from 19:00 to 21:00 CEST. This lecture focused on the urgency of achieving net-zero emissions and de-fossilisation pathways for industry and mobility in Europe.
Professor Georg Brasseur introduced the topic, providing an overview of energy needs and measures necessary to achieve energy transition in Europe. After his presentation, Walter Berger offered a glimpse into the voestalpine sustainability strategy, and Juergen Rechberger presented AVL solutions for a renewable energy and mobility system.
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