BRACELET: Boosting Research and Academia Capacity for Effective Leadership in Energy Transition
The BRACELET proposal for H2020-WIDESPREAD-03-2018 call on the topic of twining aims to advance early stage and expert researchers expertise on smart energy as well as to contribute to urban and industrial energy transition in Croatia. 4 organisations from Austria, Croatia, and Denmark, including eseia, will provide FSB UNIZG, with knowledge and resources through staff exchanges and additional activities.
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the University of Zagreb (UNIZG FSB) together with eseia and three European partners from Austria and Denmark successfully submitted the BRACELET proposal for EU funding call H2020 WIDESPREAD-2018-2020 in the topic of twining 15th November 2018.
Focusing on energy transition, BRACELET brings together a widening European country institution such us UNIZG FSB – in need of competence on smart energy systems, with a number of international research organisations able to deploy further scientific and technological development: eseia, Knowledge Centre, Alborg University and the Technical University of Denmark.
An essential task of BRACELET will be working on key knowledge gaps to ensure a smooth transition into energy efficiency. For this purpose, a complete set of activities such as international staff exchanges, conferences and workshops, summer schools, and additional training will be organised. Seconded staff between universities and research organisations in this framework will gain expertise and contribute to the capacity-building of the institution as a whole.
The Consortium will learn about whether the project gets funded in the spring of 2019.
Contact person:
Viktorija Dobravec, Expert Associate UNIZG FSB, e-mail:
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