Project Overview

  • Aim

    Steering policies and businesses through the establishment of new actor alliances and payment schemes in the forestry sector

  • Funding

    The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 under Grant Agreement number 763899.

  • Duration


  • Partner

    University of Twente

Project Description

The overarching objective of InnoForESt is to steer policies and businesses through the establishment of new actor alliances and payment schemes in the forestry sector demonstrating the feasibility of alternative income streams from forest ecosystem services not yet harnessed by traditional markets. InnoForESt has established four specific objectives to be targeted.


  • Understanding success factors of novel policy and business models
  • Synthesizing information on forest ecosystem service provision
  • Upgrading, upscaling, and mainstreaming
  • Provisioning of policy and business recommendations

More Information

InnoForESt website

Horizon Europe