EMIRI Technology Roadmap: Key R&I Priorities of Advanced Materials for Clean and Sustainable Energy and Mobility
The Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative EMIRI Technology Roadmap aims to achieve clean and sustainable energy through the development and integration of innovative advanced materials. The document was first presented at the EMIRI workshop ‘Key R&I Priorities. Advance Materials Enabling a Prosperous, Sustainable, and Climate-Neutral EU Economy by 2050’ that took place 27 September in Brussels, BE, and represents an added value to the eseia WG 5 focusing on Smart Energy Materials and lead by JSI professor Tina Zuzek.
Key research and innovation priorities for advanced materials focus on seven distinctive fields connected to clean and sustainable energy as well as to the mobility sector as their demand will keep growing by 2050. Better, safer and more affordable environmental solutions are need.
The EMIRI Technology roadmap points at offering the industry a clear outlook on where and how EU is aligning its innovation priorities, and to support a strengthened focus on the development of advanced materials in the lower technology readiness level in order to deploy these innovative solutions and to achieve the European energy challenges.
eseia and EMIRI, that represents industry, research and public actors on the field of advanced materials, have been reliable partners for many years and cooperated in the organization of two workshops for the 2017 and 2019 editions of the EuroNanoForum.
More Information
Download the EMIRI Technology Roadmap (pdf)
Contact Person
Philippe Jacques, EMIRI Managing Director – Philippe.jacques@emiri.eu
Tina Zuzek, eseia WG 5 leader – tina.zuzek@ijs.si
Marina Lopez, eseia Communication Manager – marina.lopezortega@eseia.eu