Moving2Neutrality: Driving Hydrogen Solutions for a Sustainable Energy Future

As Europe advances towards its 2050 carbon neutrality goals, hydrogen is emerging as a key energy vector for achieving a diversified and sustainable energy system. The Moving2Neutrality agenda, led by the ESEIA member National Laboratory for Energy and Geology (LNEG) in Portugal, is a pioneering project dedicated to the technical and economic evaluation of hydrogen (H2) transport solutions.

This project focuses on developing competitive and sustainable business cases for hydrogen, evaluating its use in both gaseous and liquid forms, and exploring its potential transformation into other compounds and e-fuels. By assessing the entire hydrogen value chain—from production and liquefaction to storage, distribution, and refueling station (HRS) networks—the project aims to identify gaps and potential pathways for enhancing hydrogen’s role in the energy mix.

A standout feature of the project is the development of a Levelised Cost of Energy Calculator, which will become publicly available in November 2024 on the LNEG website. This tool will help industry and policymakers assess the economic feasibility of hydrogen solutions, supporting more informed decision-making as the energy transition accelerates.

With several industrial partners and organizations such as GALP, HyLab, INL, Fusion Fuel, INEGI, and IST, Moving2Neutrality is contributing to Europe’s ambitious climate goals by advancing hydrogen’s competitiveness and potential within the energy sector. By focusing on long-term energy modeling through 2050, this project is set to provide crucial insights into how hydrogen can support a more sustainable and reliable energy transition for Portugal and the broader European region.

For more information, visit the Moving2Neutrality project page.

Contact: Juan Portillo (; Sofia Simões (